2017 Ford F350 Pickup Instrument Cluster
Multiple trims of your vehicle were made in 2017. Choose the package below that matches yours.
Read ALL options before clicking one.
Option Package
MPH Speedometer / USA Vehicle
- 6.2 Liter Engine
- Automatic and Manual Transmission
Part # HC3T10849AAA

Option Package
MPH Speedometer / USA Vehicle
- 6.7 Liter Diesel Engine
- Automatic and Manual Transmission
Part #s HC3T10849AEA, HC3T10849AJC, HC3T10849JH
To make a purchase, you must confirm the part # printed on your current cluster.
After you've confirmed the part number for your vehicle's cluster, choose it here:
In 2017 the Ford Motor Company finally manufactured a modernized instrument cluster for the Ford F350 pickup trucks, with a fresh look but keeping the four minor top gauges in a modern design. This new cluster came in many different trim levels, size LCD screens, color gauge rings and more. One thing that hasn’t changed is that the cluster comes with its issues. One common thing is the failure of the LCD display. From a pixelated view to total malfunctions, they are a problem. Luckily, we can restore them. We can also fix stuck gauge indicators, dead backlighting, and much more.
Just give us a call or email and we can guide you to your problem solution. Whether you need a repair or a programmed replacement ready to go with your mileage and vin number for your 2017 F350 cluster, the Instrument Cluster Store can help.